ECSS-E-HB-40A PR-Draft 1: Start of Public Review (Deadline 3 December 2012)


Our reference: QR/2012- 174/bs

To: ECSS Technical Authority

copy: J.L Terraillon – WG Convenor

Dear ECSS members,

Please find attached for Public ReviewECSS-E-HB-40A PR-Draft 1 “Space engineering – Software engineering handbook”. (Total of 177 pages)

END of Public Review: 3 December 2012

Please review this draft and use for your comments only the new DRR form which is an EXCEL Spreadsheet.

The TA Representatives are asked to UPLOAD their consolidated DRRs onto the ECSS Website (using the “REPLY” function to this entry).
In case you have no comments please enter a reply stating at least “No comments to the draft [title of draft]” .

To send a notification about your upload to the ECSS Secretariat (and the TA members) please use the e-mail function (Menu options “Tools” – “Send e-mail”)
Should you have questions how to upload your comments to the Website or how to use the “Send mail” tool, please contact us.

The document will also be made available for download as a “News entry” on the front page of the ECSS Website.

Best regards

Brid Samoylova
ECSS Executive Secretariat

2 Attachments