ECSS Applicability Requirement Matrix (EARM)

The EARM is the file that can be used by projects for tailoring. The EARM files are Microsoft Excel files exported from the ECSS DOORS database containing all Requirements, Recommendations and Permissions of the respective ECSS Standard.

The complete Export of the EARM from the ECSS DOORS database v.1.0 (December 2024) can be downloaded from the link below.

The Excel file contains all ECSS Standards (Active and Superseded) where DOORS modules have been created for. A filter is available in the Excel file to view Active and Superseded Standards.


By downloading files from this website, you automatically agree to the terms and conditions of the ECSS License Agreement / Disclaimer.



EARM of DOORS v.1.0 (Dec. 2024): EARM_ECSS_export(DOORS-v1.0_Dec2024)

Previous verisons: