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Result 1 - 10 (of 144 results) for ""
- ECSS-E-ST-35-06C Rev.2 – Cleanliness requirements for spacecraft propulsion hardware (7 April 2020) Category: Active Standards, Home, Standard
- ECSS-Q-70-08A The manual soldering of high-reliability electrical connections (06 August 1999) Category: Active Standards, Standard
- ECSS-S-ST-00-02C Draft 1 "Tailoring" (15 June 2020) Category: Active Standards, ECSS System, Standard
- ECSS-S-ST-00C Rev.1 "Description, implementation and general requirement" (15 June 2020) Category: Active Standards, ECSS System, Home, Standard
- ECSS-Q-ST-70-18C – Preparation, assembly and mounting of RF coaxial cables (15 November 2008) Category: Active Standards, Standard
- ECSS-M-ST-10-01C – Organization and conduct of reviews (15 November 2008) Category: Active Standards, Standard
- ECSS-E-ST-35-01C - Liquid and electric propulsion for spacecraft (15 November 2008) Category: Active Standards, Standard
- ECSS-Q-ST-70-55C – Microbial examination of flight hardware and cleanrooms (15 November 2008) Category: Active Standards, Standard
- ECSS-E-ST-50-16C - Space engineering - Time-Triggered Ethernet (30 September 2021) Category: Active Standards, Home, Standard
- ECSS-Q-ST-70-80C - Processing and quality assurance requirements for metallic powder bed fusion technologies for space applications (30 July 2021) Category: Active Standards, Home, Standard