Search results
Result 11 - 20 (of 25 results) for ""
- ECSS-M-10B Project breakdown structures (13 June 2003) Category: Standard, Superseded Standard
- ECSS-M-30A Project phasing and planning (19 April 1996) Category: Standard, Superseded Standard
- ECSS-M-60A Cost and schedule management (19 April 1996) Category: Standard, Superseded Standard
- ECSS-M-50A Information-documentation management (19 April 1996) Category: Standard, Superseded Standard
- ECSS-M-ST-10C - Project planning and implementation (31 July 2008) Category: Standard, Superseded Standard
- ECSS-M-40B Configuration Management (20 May 2005) Category: Standard, Superseded Standard
- ECSS-M-ST-60C – Cost and schedule management (31 July 2008) Category: Active Standards, Standard
- ECSS-M-ST-80C – Risk management (31 July 2008) Category: Active Standards, Standard
- ECSS-M-ST-40C - Configuration and information management (31 July 2008) Category: Standard, Superseded Standard
- ECSS-M-50B - Information/documentation management (11 May 2007) Category: Standard, Superseded Standard