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- ECSS-E-ST-50-16C - Space engineering - Time-Triggered Ethernet (30 September 2021) Category: Active Standards, Home, Standard
- ECSS-Q-ST-70-80C - Processing and quality assurance requirements for metallic powder bed fusion technologies for space applications (30 July 2021) Category: Active Standards, Home, Standard
- ECSS-E-ST-32-01C Rev.2 – Fracture control (30 July 2021) Category: Active Standards, Home, Standard
- ECSS-Q-ST-30-11C Rev.2: Derating - EEE components (23 June 2021) Category: Active Standards, Home, Standard
- ECSS-E-AS-50-25C - Adoption Notice of CCSDS 232.0-B-3, TC Space Data Link Protocol (1 March 2021) Category: Home, Standard, Superseded Standard
- ECSS-E-AS-50-26C - Adoption Notice of CCSDS 232.1-B-2, Communications Operation Procedure-1 (1 March 2021) Category: Active Standards, Home, Standard
- ECSS-Q-ST-70-16C: Adhesive bonding for spacecraft and launcher applications (1 December 2020) Category: Active Standards, Home, Standard
- ECSS-Q-ST-70-15C - Non-destructive testing (1 May 2021) Category: Active Standards, Home, Standard
- ECSS-E-AS-50-21C - Adoption Notice of CCSDS 131.0-B-3, TM Synchronization and Channel Coding (1 March 2021) Category: Home, Standard, Superseded Standard
- ECSS-E-AS-50-22C - Adoption Notice of CCSDS 132.0-B-2, TM Space Data Link Protocol (1 March 2021) Category: Home, Standard, Superseded Standard