Public Review: ECSS-E-ST-70-11C Rev.1 DIR1 “Space segment operability” – 8July – 20Sept. 2024

Please find for Public Review the updated draft of ECSS-E-ST-70-11C Rev.1 DIR1 “Space engineering – Space segment operability”.
NOTE: The Word file shows all changes, whereas in the pdf-file all deletions were hidden to show a clean document.

Due date of the Public Review: 20 September 2024

The duration of the Public Review (normally 8 weeks) was extended to account for the summer vacation period. The due date of 20 September was chosen to be able to report at the next ECSS TA meeting (25-26 September) about the result of it.

The TA members are asked to distribute the Draft in Review within their organization and provide their consolidated comments on the Excel spreadsheet and upload it onto the Task on the TA Teams website by the due date. Du to technical issues is it not possible to submit comments via the online DRR form.

For all other reviewers that are not linked to one of the ECSS Technical Authority representatives, please provide your filled out DRR form by e-mail to the ECSS Secretariat.


3 attachments:
1. Word file of the updated standard showing all changes –> ECSS-E-ST-70-11C-Rev.1_DIR1(5July2024).docx
2. PDF-file where all deletions are hidden –> ECSS-E-ST-70-11C-Rev.1-DIR1(5July2024).pdf
3. DRR form in Excel format –> ECSS-DRR-form(ECSS-E-ST-70-11C-Rev.1-DIR1).xlsx

In case of problems with the attachments of this e-mail or the ECSS.NL or TA Teams website please contact the ECSS Secretariat.