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Result 151 - 160 (of 192 results) for ""
- ECSS-E-ST-20-08C Rev.1 – Photovoltaic assemblies and components (18 July 2012) Category: Standard, Superseded Standard
- ECSS-Q-ST-70-71C - Materials, processes and their data selection (15 October 2014) Category: Standard, Superseded Standard
- ECSS-Q-ST-70C Rev.1 - Materials, mechanical parts and processes (15 October 2014) Category: Standard, Superseded Standard
- ECSS-M-00-03A - Risk management (25 April 2000) Category: Standard, Superseded Standard
- ECSS-E-10-04A - Space environment (21 January 2000) Category: Standard, Superseded Standard
- ECSS-Q-70-22A - The control of limited shelf-life materials (21 January 2000) Category: Standard, Superseded Standard
- ECSS-Q-60-01A - European preferred parts list (EPPL) and its management (4 October 1999) Category: Standard, Superseded Standard
- ECSS-Q-70-13A - Measurement of the peel and pull-off strength of coatings and finishes using pressure-sensitive tapes (4 October 1999) Category: Standard, Superseded Standard
- ECSS-Q-70-04A - Thermal cycling test for the screening of space materials and processes (4 October 1999) Category: Standard, Superseded Standard
- ECSS-E-20A - Electrical and electronic (4 October 1999) Category: Standard, Superseded Standard